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 Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie

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Old Staff
Old Staff

Masculin Nombre de messages : 15111
Age : 41
Localisation : L'Executor

Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Empty
MessageSujet: Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie   Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie EmptyJeu 27 Jan 2011 - 21:19

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Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-dar10

Limited edition: 10000
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg_mau10

Limited edition : 2500
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-ana10 Anakin skywalker
Limited edition : 3500
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-sec10 Ayla secura
Limited edition : 4250
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-sha10 Shaak ti
Limited edition : 4000
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-dar11
Darth malak
Limited edition : 2000
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-obi10
Obiwan in clone armor
Limited edition : 5000
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-cdt10
Commander Neyo
Limited edition : 1500
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-cdt11
Commander Gree
Limited edition : 2500
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-cdt12
Commander Baccara
Limited edition : 2000
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-cdt13
Commander Bly
Limited edition : 2000
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-cdt14
Commander Cody
Limited edition : 3500
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-gal10 Galactic marine
Limited edition : 3000[/url]
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-air10 Airborne trooper
Limited edition : 3000
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-sw-10 Boss / delta 38
Limited edtion : 1300
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-sw-11 Fixer / delta 40
Limited edition : 1300
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-ana11 Anakin Skywalker

Limited Edition of 2500
Released 2002

Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-clo11
Clone Trooper AOTC

Limited Edition of 7500
Released 2003
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-clo10
Clone Trooper
Captain AOTC

Limited Edition of 1250
Released 2003
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-clo12 Clone Trooper
Commander AOTC

Limited Edition of 7500
Released 2003
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Ggs_c-10

C-3PO Aotc

Limited Edition of 2500
Released 2006
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Ggs_cl10 Clone Trooper
Lieutenant AOTC

Limited Edition of 1000
Released 2003
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Clonepilot Clone Trooper Pilot AOTC

Limited Edition of 2500
Released 2004
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Clonerots Clone Trooper

Limited Edition of 15000*
Released 2006

7500-Clone Trooper ROTS (White)
5000-501st Special Ops Trooper (Blue)
2500-Utapau Trooper (Orange)
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Clonetrots501stspecialo
Clone Trooper 501st
Special Ops (Blue) ROTS

Limited Edition of 15000*
Released 2006

7500-Clone Trooper ROTS (White)
5000-501st Special Ops Trooper (Blue)
2500-Utapau Trooper (Orange)
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Clonerotsutapau Clone Trooper
Utapau (Orange) ROTS

Limited Edition of 15000*
Released 2006

7500-Clone Trooper ROTS (White)
5000-501st Special Ops Trooper (Blue)
2500-Utapau Trooper (Orange)
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Dookui Count Dooku

Limited Edition of 2500
Released 2002
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Dartvaderrots Darth Vader ROTS

Limited Edition of 20000
Released 2005
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Darthvaderanakinskywalk Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker
Reveal ROTS

Limited Edition of 5000
Released 2006
2006 Entertainment Earth Exclusive
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Palpatinerots Emperor Palpatine

Limited Edition of 4500
Released 2006
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Grievousbe General Grievous

Limited Edition of 7000
Released 2006
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Jangofett1 Jango Fett

Limited Edition of 2500
Released 2002
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Jangofett2 Jango Fett (Version 2)

Limited Edition of 9000
Released 2007
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Jangofettchrome Jango Fett Chrome

Limited Edition of 5000
Released 2004
2004 MBNA Galactic Rewards Exclusive
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Macewindux Mace Windu

Limited Edition of 2500
Released 2002
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Obiwanepisode2 Obi-Wan Kenobi AOTC

Limited Edition of 2500
Released 2002
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Padmey Padmé Amidala

Limited Edition of 2500
Released 2002
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Plokoo10 Plo Koon

Limited Edition of 4500
Released 2007
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Quigonjinn Qui-Gon Jinn

Limited Edition of 5000
Released 2006
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Shocktrooper Shocktrooper

Limited Edition of 3500
Released 2006
2006 San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Yodaaotc Yoda AOTC

Limited Edition of 3500
Released 2002
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Zamwesell Zam Wesell

Limited Edition of 2500
Released 2002

Dernière édition par vador50 le Dim 31 Juil 2011 - 11:33, édité 5 fois
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Old Staff
Old Staff

Masculin Nombre de messages : 15111
Age : 41
Localisation : L'Executor

Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie   Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie EmptySam 29 Jan 2011 - 22:41

Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Seanateguard Senate Guard

Limited Edition of 10000*
Released 2007

6667 - Royal Guard
3333 - Senate Guard
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-sw-14DARTH REVAN
Limited edition:...
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-sw-15CAPTAIN REX
Limited edition: 1350
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-sw-16COMMANDER FAIE
Limited edition:...
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Airbou10Airborne Trooper
Mace Windu Squad

Limited edition:1250
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-sw-24Animated
Commander Fox

Limited edition:...
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-sw-23Padme Snow
Limited edition:...
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-cdt10Animated
Commander Bly

Limited edition:1500
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-obi10Obi-Wan Kenobi
in Clone Trooper Armor

Limited edition : 5000
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Gg-sw-32Droide de Combat
Limited edition:...
Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie Darth_10 Darth Nihilus
Limited edition:...
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Database - Mini-busts - Prelogie
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