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 STAR WARS - THE CLONE WARS -Guide chronologique des épisodes

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Star Wars The Clone Wars - Guide chronologique des épisodes Empty
MessageSujet: STAR WARS - THE CLONE WARS -Guide chronologique des épisodes   Star Wars The Clone Wars - Guide chronologique des épisodes EmptyMar 18 Mar 2014 - 17:48

The Clone Wars - Guide chronologique des épisodes.

Star Wars The Clone Wars - Guide chronologique des épisodes Theclo13

Si vous avez une envie de Clone Wars, voila l'ordre chronologique pour visionner les 120 épisodes et le film de la série.

1 - 2.16 "Cat and Mouse"
2 - 1.16 "Hidden Enemy"
T - The Clone Wars Film Cinéma
3 - 3.01 "Clone Cadets"
4 - 3.03 "Supply Lines"
5 - 1.01 "Ambush"
6 - 1.02 "Rising Malevolence"
7 - 1.03 "Shadow of Malevolence"
8 - 1.04 "Destroy Malevolence"
9 - 1.05 "Rookies"
10 - 1.06 "Downfall of a Droid"
11 - 1.07 "Duel of the Droids"
12 - 1.08 "Bombad Jedi"
13 - 1.09 "Cloak of Darkness"
14 - 1.10 "Lair of Grievous"
15 - 1.11 "Dooku Captured"
16 - 1.12 "The Gungan General"
17 - 1.13 "Jedi Crash"
18 - 1.14 "Defenders of Peace"
19 - 1.15 "Trespass"
20 - 1.17 "Blue Shadow Virus"
21 - 1.18 "Mystery of a Thousand Moons"
22 - 1.19 "Storm over Ryloth"
23 - 1.20 "Innocents of Ryloth"
24 - 1.21 "Liberty on Ryloth"
25 - 2.01 "Holocron Heist"
26 - 2.02 "Cargo of Doom"
27 - 2.03 "Children of the Force"
28 - 2.17 "Bounty Hunters"
29 - 2.18 "The Zillo Beast"
30 - 2.19 "The Zillo Beast Strikes Back"
31 - 2.04 "Senate Spy"
32 - 2.05 "Landing at Point Rain"
33 - 2.06 "Weapons Factory"
34 - 2.07 "Legacy of Terror"
35 - 2.08 "Brain Invaders"
36 - 2.09 "Grievous Intrigue"
37 - 2.10 "The Deserter"
38 - 2.11 "Lightsaber Lost"
39 - 2.12 "The Mandalore Plot"
40 - 2.13 "Voyage of Temptation"
41 - 2.14 "Duchess of Mandalore"
42 - 2.20 "Death Trap"
43 - 2.21 "R2 Come Home"
44 - 2.22 "Lethal Trackdown"
45 - 3.05 "Corruption"
46 - 3.06 "The Academy"
47 - 3.07 "Assassin"
48 - 3.02 "ARC Troopers"
49 - 3.04 "Sphere of Influence"
50 - 3.08 "Evil Plans"
51 - 1.22 "Hostage Crisis"
52 - 3.09 "Hunt for Ziro"
53 - 3.10 "Heroes on Both Side"
54 - 3.11 "Pursuit of Peace"
55 - 2.15 "Senate Murders"
56 - 3.12 "Nightsisters"
57 - 3.13 "Monster"
58 - 3.14 "Witches of the Mist"
59 - 3.15 "Overlords"
60 - 3.16 "Altar of Mortis"
61 - 3.17 "Ghosts of Mortis"
62 - 3.18 "The Citadel"
63 - 3.19 "Counter Attack"
64 - 3.20 "Citadel Rescue"
65 - 3.21 "Padawan Lost"
66 - 3.22 "Wookiee Hunt"
67 - 4.01 "Water War"
68 - 4.02 "Gungan Attack"
69 - 4.03 "Prisoners"
70 - 4.04 "Shadow Warrior"
71 - 4.05 "Mercy Mission"
72 - 4.06 "Nomad Droids"
73 - 4.07 "Darkness on Umbara"
74 - 4.08 "The General"
75 - 4.09 "Plan of Dissent"
76 - 4.10 "Carnage of Krell"
77 - 4.11 "Kidnapped"
78 - 4.12 "Slaves of the Republic"
79 - 4.13 "Escape from Kadavo"
80 - 4.14 "A Friend In Need"
81 - 4.15 "Deception"
82 - 4.16 "Friends and Enemies"
83 - 4.17 "The Box"
84 - 4.18 "Crisis on Naboo"
85 - 4.19 "Massacre"
86 - 4.20 "Bounty"
87 - 4.21 "Brothers"
88 - 4.22 "Revenge"
89 - 5.02 "A War on Two Fronts"
90 - 5.03 "Front Runners"
91 - 5.04 "The Soft War"
92 - 5.05 "Tipping Points"
93 - 5.06 "The Gathering"
94 - 5.07 "A Test of Strength"
95 - 5.08 "Bound for Rescue"
96 - 5.09 "A Necessary Bond"
97 - 5.10 "Secret Weapons"
98 - 5.11 "A Sunny Day in the Void"
99 - 5.12 "Missing in Action"
100 - 5.13 "Point of No Return"
101 - 5.01 "Revival"
102 - 5.14 "Eminence"
103 - 5.15 "Shades of Reason"
104 - 5.16 "The Lawless"
105 - 5.17 "Sabotage"
106 - 5.18 "The Jedi Who Knew Too Much"
107 - 5.19 "To Catch a Jedi"
108 - 5.20 "The Wrong Jedi"
109 - 6.01 "The Unknown"
110 - 6.02 "Conspiracy"
111 - 6.03 "Fugitive"
112 - 6.04 "Orders"
113 - 6.05 "An Old Friend"
114 - 6.06 "The Rise of Clovis"
115 - 6.07 "Crisis at the Heart"
116 - 6.08 "The Disappeared"
117 - 6.09 "The Disappeared: Pt. II"
118 - 6.10 "The Lost One"
119 - 6.11 "Voices"
120 - 6.12 "Destiny"
121 - 6.13 "Sacrifice"

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